Response to a Comment
My Sept 28th Blog about the Army of God received an interested anonymous comment.
Read it, and then read this:
My response:
I do realize that the people who kill people who perform abortions (i.e. Army of God) believe that the people they are killing are murderers. I also realize that the Army of God believes they are performing the work of God because they are murdering guilty people and there are passages in the bible that SEEM to support that kind of bevavior (i.e. your example of "eye for an eye"). I disagree with these killings (actually I disagree with ALL killings, period... yes I am against the death penalty) even though I FULLY understand the reason for their actions. Whether or not the abortionists are "murderers" (I actually do believe that abortion is murder), I DO NOT believe that I have the right to kill people who murder. How does that make me any better than the murderer? Yes the murderer is "guilty" but who endowed me with the power to judge them or punish them? Is that not God's job? Yes the army of God thinks they are doing the work of God... but honestly I cannot believe that God ever revealed himself to them to tell them to kill murderers... and my basis for this is what Jesus says in the new testament, over and over again, about loving your enemies. Are you loving your enemies by killing them? THAT IS NOT LOVE! Jesus came to teach people about the unity of ALL people. ALL PEOPLE HAVE WORTH AND VALUE, REGARDLESS OF THEIR SIN AND THEREFORE THEY MUST ALL BE LOVED! Also, Jesus CORRECTS the old way of thinking in the OT (eye for an eye), in Matthew 5:38-39 "You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.' But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." Jesus is saying not to take revenge, not to get even, ... how does the Army of God reconcile this passage with their actions? There is no way I justify the taking of ANYONE's life... whether or not they are guilty.... because aren't we all guilty of sin? He who has not sinned shall cast the first stone. God's forgiveness, I believe, applies even to the worst sinners, the murderers, rapists, etc, because GOD LOVES EVERYONE. Therefore it is not possible to justify killing anyone EVER.
sorry i get a little passionate on this subject, it's one of the things I whole-heartedly believe... that all people deserve the same love and respect, even people who have different opinions than me, even people who commit murder.