Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Sati speaks of Silence

In Sati, by Christopher Pike, Sati is a woman who says she is God. Regardless of whether or not this is true, she hold meetings where she shares the most profound and amazing truths with people. Here are some of my favorites:

"You were not born to suffer. If, in spite of what I tell you now, you choose to be miserable, then you do so for your own sake, not for mine. There is hardly a religious of mystical tradition in the world that does not describe God as eternal bliss. This being so, why should anyone suffer for God? It makes no sense. Therefore, my first and deepest wish for all of you is to be happy. Just that simple- be happy. On the other hand, I do understand that you all suffer, to one extent or another. I will tell you why. You have lost the awareness of the two sides of my nature, of your nature. I am silent and I am active. I am both simulatenously. You are both, too, but you experience only your active side. You have forgotten your inner being, which is pure silence. You search endlessly for permanent happiness in a place where nothing is permanent. Here I am getting philosophical, and that is a shame because truth is always very simple. There is a state that you as a human being can aspire to that includes an awareness of both sides of my nature, a state beyond all sorrow....
Enjoy your life. No curse hangs over you, nor did it ever. No devil chases after your soul. Sing and dance and be merry (Jamie's note: see Ecclesiastes). But in your play, remember that the goal of the game- and there is a goal- is to find me." 42-43

"Answers given in words create more questions, even while they are being spoken. Only in silence is there perfect communication. One only finds God by grace, and grace alone. Grace is like the sweet rain that falls from the sky. You are like cups. You have to catch this grace as it falls." (95)



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