Tuesday, June 08, 2010

I [heart] huckabees

I just finally saw this movie (I know, I know, I'm way behind the times). If you've seen the movie, you know that it is a philosophical/existential comedy. I didn't really enjoy the comedy part (just not my preferred style of humor) but I loved the philosophy (...theology) behind it all. The movie is based on these existential detectives who believe in universal interconnectivity. (which reminded me of the UU principle of the interconnected web of all existance).

One of the detectives speaks of infinity using a blanket and asks us to imagine that it is the entire universe. Each part of the blanket is a different person, place, or thing; whether it is a hammer, or Paris, or you, the reader of this blog. The point he makes is that everything in the universe is interconnected and we can't tell where one person begins and another ends.

Related quotes:
"Say this blanket represents all the matter and energy in the universe, okay? This is me, this is you, And over here, this is the Eiffel Tower, right, it's Paris!"
"When you get the blanket thing you can relax because everything you could ever want or be you already have and are."
"If you look close enough you can't tell where my nose ends and space begins."
"The universe is an infinite sphere whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere"
"Everything is the same, even if it's different."
"If the forms of this world die, which is more real, the me that dies or the me that's infinite? Can I trust my habitual mind, or do I need to learn to look beneath those things?"

Another concept that is discusssed is Pure being, or authenticity and inauthenticity. The antagonist detective Caterine has Tommy and Albert repeatedly bash each other in the face with a large ball; they continue to hit one another until the one being beaten ceases to think for a brief period. They have discovered what Caterine calls "Pure Being." In ceasing to think, Albert and Tommy are allowed
to simply be free to exist, but they are soon pulled back in their minds, which Caterine names human drama. Though they think they can teach themselves to stay in a state of "Pure Being" all the time, Caterine explains that it will always be a cycle, going from "Pure Being" to human drama and back again.

And then another good quote..."How come we only ask ourselves the really big questions when something bad happens?"

So I really truly whole-heartedly believe in the interconnectedness of all existence. That is God to me. We do nothing absolutely alone. I will comment on this more later... I promise!


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