Vote for Kerry
I've always considered myself a democrat... my parents are democrats and I think I'm pretty liberal, though oftentimes I end up liberal on some issues and conservative on others which puts me right in the middle. However, I will be voting for John Kerry in the 2004 election... not just because I don't particularly like George W. Bush or because Kerry is the lesser of two evils (both of which are true). I actually like and agree with some of the things Kerry stands for. For instance....
In the Aug 2 issue of the Wisconsin State Journal there was an article entitled "Kerry Talks God and Guns". Now my immediate reaction was "Oh no... what is Kerry doing... I was going to vote for him but this article may sway my opinion of him... how can he connect God and guns?" But of course, you can't judge an article by its headline (journalists need to watch it with their misleading headlines).
Anyways, Kerry's stance of guns is: He likes fishing and hunting.. basically he uses guns for sport not for murder. "The NRA says Kerry usually votes against gun rights in the Senate. Kerry supports extending the ban on assault-type weapons and requiring background checks at gun shows. He opposes granting gun makers immunity from civil lawsuits." So Kerry understands when guns are bad and when guns are okay.
which is good. but of course society doesn't understand that one thing (like guns) can have the duality of good and evil simultaneously. It's either 'get rid of guns' or 'give guns to our children'.
and a quote from Kerry about God: "I was at war, lost some of my best friends, those I grew up with and those I fought with," Kerry said. "And I sort of questioned, why does this happen, why did this happen, what's going on? We all question. And we learn that even though suffering, through loss, we get in touch with power, with the being, with the almighty." More physicists and more and more scientists, the more they learn in some ways the less they know about some things and the more they believe in that power," Kerry said.
And my favorite line from the article was: Kerry said, "I'm not going to say God is on my side and I'm not going to go out and divide people. I want to pray that we are on God's side."
Now I dunno if that was just Kerry being poetic and trying to be better than Bush or if he really meant it... but at least he said it. but it wouldn't hurt if he meant it.
So vote for Kerry. Cuz I will. Or least go vote. It's good for you... and our country.
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