Tuesday, September 28, 2004

What would Jesus say?

-In 1993, Michael Griffin and Rev Paul Hill (part of an orgnanization of Christians called the Army of God) shot and killed doctors outside abortion clinics because they supported "violence against people who perform abortions." They use the sixth commandment "You shall not murder" to oppose abortion. "It is sadly ironic that soldiers in the Army of God intentionally break the commandment not to murder in order to stop people they consider guilty of murder."
That is all I can say about that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You may not realize that those that kill in wars, in the name of God, or those that kill abortionists because they have "murdered" unborn children do not see themselves as having murdered those that they have killed. Rather they say that these men and women are guilty of murder themselves; and as the bible says... "an eye for an eye". They are performing the will of God by killing those that kill his children, therefore it is not an act of murder because it is justified in their eyes. I am not saying that I condone their actions in any way. Perhaps, your argument would hold more weight if you said that you disagree with the reason for these killings rather than saying that they lack basis for their actions.

5:20 PM  

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